Sonde Health API Platform Documentation
M3 iOS Edge Test Cases
The M3 Checklist is a 27-question evaluation that screens for symptoms of anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This assessment is nationally recognized, peer-reviewed, and clinically validated. Its purpose is to identify potential mental health concerns related to mood and anxiety.
The questions are divided into 4 subgroups along with the main M3 score; the score is calculated as follows:
For 29 questionnaire sets:
Questions 1-9 Depression (includes major depression and dysthymia) - Take a higher score for questionnaires 6 and 7. Also, take a higher score on questionnaires 8 and 9.
Questions 10-21 Anxiety (includes panic disorder, agoraphobia, OCD, PTSD, and social phobia)
Questions 15-18 PTSD
Questions 22-25 Bipolar Disorder (includes type 1 and type 2, current and past).
Variant | Description | Labels and Score |
v1 | Mental fitness is a category of health/wellness that encompasses both psychiatric aspects, including depressive symptoms (e.g., pleasure or enjoyment, feelings of hope or lack thereof, altered behavior patterns) and also (mental) fatigue. |
Steps to integrate M3:
There are two steps for integrating the M3
Get Questionnaire
Get Score of Questionnaire
Step 1 - Get Questionnaire
import Sonde_SDK
let objM3Questionnaire = M3Questionnaire.getM3Questionnaire()
Using “objM3Questionnaire.m3Questions”, you can access the list of M3 questions and options to select.
M3Question obj contains the following things
header - it is the title for a question e.g. “Over the last two weeks or more, have you noticed the following?”
text - this is an actual Question statement e.g. “I can't concentrate or focus“
options - it is a list of choices for a particular question, it consists of “text“ and “answer index“
Example :
let objM3Questionnaire = M3Questionnaire.getM3Questionnaire()
Note: We have to store the “options.answersIndex“ i.e. selected answers “answerIndex“ into “Int“ array.
let arrSelectedAns = [Int]()
//after answer is selected append question's "option.answerIndex" to selectedAnswer
let selectedOption = objM3Questionnaire?.m3questions[currentQuestionIndex].options[selectedOptionIndex].answerIndex
Step 2 - Get Score
To calculate the score for the M3 Questionnaire, follow the below steps
M3Answers object creation
Get M3 Score
The score object consists of 6 values
finalScore : This score is calculated based on the user’s response to the respective questions.
subScore : It contains 3 values score, disordeName, and severity. It contains 4 disorder types Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar, and PTSD.
questionResponses: this is the response the user has provided for the respective question
isSucidalIdeation : The flag is set as true or false on the basis of the answers provided.
isFunctionalImpairment: The flag is set to true or false on the basis of the answers provided.
severity: This value is divided into unlikely, low, medium, and high, which indicates the intensity.
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