Sonde Health API Platform Documentation

Authentication Scopes

Authentication scopes determines the permissions you have on the SondePlatform. As per your contract, SondeHealth will allocate authentication scopes to you.

Authentication scopes required for Scoring:

  • sonde-platform/

    • Permission to read questionnaire.

  • sonde-platform/questionnaire-responses.write

    • Permission to submit responses of questionnaire.

  • sonde-platform/scores.write

    • Permission to calculate a score from InferenceService.

  • sonde-platform/storage.write

    • Permission to upload wav files to StorageService.

  • sonde-platform/

    • Permission to download uploaded files.

  • sonde-platform/users.write

    • Permission to create subjects in UserService.

  • sonde-platform/

    • Permission to read the particular measures permitted to you from MeasureService.

  • sonde-platform/measures.list

    • Permission to list the measures permitted to you from MeasureService.

  • sonde-platform/voice-feature-scores.write

    • Permission to create a job to infer voice-feature scores for a measure

  • sonde-platform/

    • Permission to pull voice-feature job and to get the voice-feature-scores

  • sonde-platform/transcriptions.write

    • Permission to create a transcribe job

  • sonde-platform/

    • Permission to poll (or read) a transcribe job (or transcript)


Sonde Health