Android SDK Initialization

Sonde Health API Platform Documentation

Android SDK Initialization


The following document is a guide for your app development. The below steps will provide you with detailed information for the Initialization of the Passive SDK.

  1. Import the following classes into your Application class.

import sonde_passive.application_api.init.SondePassiveSdk

  1. Initialise SDK in the onCreate() method of the Global Application class after super.onCreate()

override fun onCreate() { super.onCreate() SondePassiveSdk.init( context, "<YOUR CLIENT ID>", "<YOUR CLIENT SECRETE>", object : SondePassiveSdk.SondeInitCallback { override fun onError(error: Throwable) { Log.d("sonde", "errorMessage - > $error") } override fun onSuccess(msg: String) { Log.d("sonde", "onSuccess-> $msg") } } ) }



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