Sonde Health API Platform Documentation

iOS Verification Module


The verification module is responsible for verifying the user’s audio against the voice used for enrollment which was explained in Sonde Edge Passive SDK Architecture additionally before starting with the steps mentioned here, please go through iOS Sonde Edge Passive SDK Integration.

The following steps are a guide for your app development and will provide detailed information for the verification of the user’s voice and describes collecting the audio sample and generating the score for Mental Fitness.


  • Follow steps 1 and 2 to import and create the object of SondePassiveSDK

Class <ClassName>:SondePassiveSDKVerficationDelegate

Inherit the protocol “SondePassiveSDKVerficationDelegate“ for handling the verification module.

  • Add the required delegate methods

func chunkFormed(totalChunk: Int, isVerfied: Bool, status: SondePassiveSDK.SampleStatus, totalRecCount: Int) { ///This method gets called after every 3 second which provides following details ///totalChunk = total verfied samples /// isVerified = is current 3 second sample is verified /// status = status of current 3 second sample i.e .active,.verified,.unverfied, .novoice /// totalRecCount = Total recording samples } func didReciveScore(score: [String : Any]) { //This method is called when scores and features are calculated it provide us score key value pair }


  • Display the score to the user

The value of the generated above varies between 0-100. Based on your application, once you get the score, you can display it to the user along with the interpretation message on the score screen. For some applications, scores may be uploaded and not shown to the users. However, the scores can be uploaded for an individual user or in bulk for further analysis through API function calls.

Refer Vocal Biomarkers - Health Checks for the interpretation message.

Below is the screenshot for your reference.


Sonde Health