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Table of Contents



  1. Please contact to get Android Edge SDK. In your email, please include the company name, developer name(s), email, and contact telephone number. Our support and sales team will review the request and may contact you for additional information. If approved, the Sonde support team will share the SDK.

  2. Our Sonde support team will share an email with a link to download the SDK.

  3. To start with the Sonde SDK, please open an account with Sonde.

    1. Review the SDK account creation page to create it.

    2. Once you open an account with Sonde, you will receive a Test key, which will consist of the Client Secret and Client ID.

    3. The above IDs will be required in step 6.

    4. The above information is required for SDK health check metering. For additional metering information, Please refer Metering Meta-Data page.

  4. After downloading the SDK, copy the downloaded /Users/ABC/sonde-android-edge-sdk-v1.0.0.aar file to libs folder of your app module.

  5. Add the below statement in build.gradle file of your app module.

    • Replace the $version with the respective dependency version

      Code Block
      apply plugin:"kotlin-android"
      apply plugin:"kotlin-kapt"
      dependencies {
          implementation fileTree(include: ['*.jar', '*.aar'], dir: 'libs')
          implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:$version'
          implementation '$version'
          implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:$version'
          implementation 'androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-livedata-ktx:$version'
          implementation "$version"
          kapt "$version"
          implementation "$version"
          implementation "net.zetetic:android-database-sqlcipher:$version"
          implementation "$version"
  6. Add Test Key ID’s to SDK init

    1. In application class initialize the Sonde’s sdk as below

      (Replace clientId & clientSecret with values provided by Sonde teamPartner got from step 3 mentioned above)

      Code Block
      override fun onCreate() {
              object : SondeEdgeSdk.SondeInitCallback {
                  override fun onError(error: Exception) {
                  override fun onSuccess() {
  7. Enable microphone permission to record the audio file. Add the below statement in the AndroidManifest.xml file of your app module.

    Code Block
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
  8. SDK requires metering. For billing and building personalized models, usage metering and meta-data are uploaded to the backend. Data includes scores, date/time stamp, users YOB, gender scores, and device OS and model. This data is uploaded through the SDK to Sonde’s AWS backend. This data is accessible to Partner, and a summary of the data captured is included in usage billing. Data upload is initiated when internet connectivity is available. For additional metering information, Please refer Metering Meta-Data page.

  9. Clean and build the project to access the Edge SDK classes.


  1. Please contact to get iOS Edge SDK. In your email, please include the company name, developer name(s), email, and contact telephone number. Our support and sales team will review the request and may contact you for additional information. If approved, the Sonde support team will share the SDK.

  2. Our Sonde support team will share an email with a link to download the SDK.

  3. To start with the Sonde SDK, please open an account with Sonde.

    1. Review the SDK account creation page to create it.

    2. Once you open an account with Sonde, you will receive a Test key, which will consist of the Client Secret and Client ID.

    3. The above IDs will be required in step 7.

    4. The above information is required for SDK health check metering. For additional metering information, Please refer Metering Meta-Data page.

  4. Add the framework to your project
    There are two methods to embed the SDK in your project

    1. Drag Sonde_SDK.xcframework to the Xcode project. Make sure to select “Copy items if needed”

    2. Right-click on your project and select “Add Files to<Your Project Name>”and add the Sonde_SDK.xcframework from the download section or from the path where you have saved the Sonde_SDK.xcframework folder. Then click on add and make sure to select “Copy items if needed”

  5. Embed and sign for the actual device (optional step for Simulator)
    To execute your project on the real/actual device, select your Xcode project. Go to the “General” Tab in “Targets” and under “Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content,” check for Sonde_SDK.xcframework, and select “Embed & Sign” under the “Embed” section.

  6. Add microphone privacy permission
    Go to the Info.plist and add the audio usage description key: “Privacy - Microphone Usage Description” and add a message to be shown to the user in its “value” section.

  7. Add Test Key ID’s to SDK init file:

    1. Open the AppDelegate File, in the “didFinishLaunchingWithOptions“ method, add the following line of code

      Code Block
          func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
              RequireSetup(clientId: "client_id shared - Partner can get it from step Sonde3 above Team", clientSecret: "client_secret shared - Partner can get it from step Sonde3 Teamabove")
              return true
  8. SDK requires metering. For billing and building personalized models, usage metering and meta-data are uploaded to the backend. Data includes scores, date/time stamp, users YOB, gender scores, and device OS and model. This data is uploaded through the SDK to Sonde’s AWS backend. This data is accessible to Partner, and a summary of the data captured is included in usage billing. Data upload is initiated when internet connectivity is available. For additional metering information, Please refer Metering Meta-Data page.

  9. Clean and build the project, to access the Edge SDK.
