The following table describes Mental Fitness vocal biomarker voice features. Sonde APIs will return the scores for these features. Both the recommended end user-friendly and expanded explanation descriptions are provided. Sonde Mental Fitness Tracker App showcases a recommended implementation of how to share feature descriptions and score interpretations with mobile app end users.
MF Acoustic Scores - Version 4 (current version)
The following scores are available through the API (Use Case document )
MF Acoustic Vocal biomarker scores available through API
| Unit For display in app | Approximate reference range 25 - 75th percentile of population distribution | Measure / display range API backend will clip values outside this range | Remarks | Direction for a higher Mental Fitness |
Smoothness | % | 90 - 95% | 88 - 100% | Regularity of voice pitch periods | Increasing |
Control | % | 80 - 90% | 78 - 93% | Regularity of voice pitch amplitude | Increasing |
Liveliness | octaves | 0.15 - 0.30 octaves | 0 - 0.45 octaves | Range of vocal pitch used while speaking (one octave is a doubling of pitch) | Increasing |
Energy range | dB | 5 - 10 dB | 3 - 12 dB | Range of vocal intensity used while speaking (10 dB sounds twice as loud) | Increasing |
Clarity | kHz2 | 0.30 - 0.45 kHz2 | 0.20 - 0.56 kHz2 | Range of sounds made while speaking by changing the shape of tongue, mouth and throat | Increasing |
Crispness | ms | 200 - 300 msec | 100 - 400 msec | Average time of single speech sounds measured from beginning to end of vocal cord vibration | Increasing |
Speech rate | words/min | 75 - 125 words/ min | 0 - 180 words/ min | Number of words spoken per minute | Increasing |
Pause duration | sec | 0.25 - 0.60 sec | 0.1 - 1.0 sec | Average duration of pauses between speech sounds (higher values imply lower mental fitness) | Decreasing |
MF Acoustic Vocal Biomarker Mental Fitness Score through API
| Unit For display in app | Approximate reference range 25 - 75th percentile of population distribution | Measure / display range API backend will clip values outside this range | Remarks |
Mental Fitness Score | % | 72 - 81 | 0 - 100 | 0-69: “Pay attention” |
Versions 1-3 are legacy versions; Please refer to Version 4 document above
MF Acoustic Scores - Version 3
The following scores are available through the API (Use Case document )
Vocal biomarker Aggregate score | Brief Description Directly below score display | Expanded Description Below score history / trend chart |
Score (Aggregate) | Your mental fitness score is based on measurements made on your voice. We use specific measurements that have been shown through research to relate to mental fitness. You can use changes in your score to reflect on how your mental fitness may be changing over time. The score ranges help you understand how your score relates to a larger population of users. Keep in mind that these scores are not medical assessments and should be used as just one part of how you understand your health and wellness. | n/a |
MF Acoustic Scores - Version 2
The following scores are available through the API (Use Case document )
Scientific Explanation of MF Features